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马立褀:上海扬子江万丽大酒店品牌大使 Rauf Malik: Ambassador for the...
来自 : 新浪博客 发布时间:2021-03-26



Rauf Malik: Ambassador forthe Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel文/Story:Cherry Li拍摄/Photo:朱孝慈关注《大酒店》的朋友们一定对上海扬子江万丽大酒店的总经理马立褀先生毫不陌生。去年6月,他新上任不久便成为了我们封面故事主角,和我们作了详谈,其风趣幽默的话语、对员工的细致关爱,至今难忘。这位从事酒店业近30年,其中16年就职于万豪旗下的酒店管理人员,足迹遍布世界各地。在亚洲,他先后执掌香港新世界万丽酒店和广州中国大酒店,现在作为上海扬子江万丽大酒店的掌舵人已经有1年多的时间,在这一年中,他兑现了些什么,又获得了怎样的成绩?现在,请跟随我们的脚步,再次光临上海扬子江万丽大酒店。首先,不妨从马立褀“炫目”的政绩开始:在挂帅广州中国大酒店的两年零两个月中,中国大酒店在2005年获得“中国最佳雇主大奖”,顾客满意度达到惊人的92%。执掌上海扬子江万丽大酒店后,马立褀先生曾郑重承诺要再现中国大酒店的辉煌。一年过去了,马立褀先生以其不懈地努力荣获“2006年锦江酒店年度最佳总经理”头衔及2007年在美国万豪全球总经理会议上获得“服务社区奖”和“野马奖”,这是对他在国际酒店业的丰富经验及杰出成就予以的肯定。近两年来,酒店顾客满意度始终保持在90%以上,更是有稳步上升的良好态势。在5月14日至18日,万豪集团旗下全球酒店纷纷举行了一年一度的\"员工感谢周\"活动,感激员工们一整年的辛勤工作及贡献。马立褀先生亦在此分享了他成功的秘诀:设身处地,融入集体,遵循万豪国际集团的董事长兼首席执行官J.W.Marriott二世先生所倡导的时刻为员工着想的管理理念。“亚洲的变化日新月异,上海的酒店更是如雨后春笋般不断涌现,酒店业的竞争日趋激烈。通过几十年来酒店管理经验的累积,我从中感悟到“以人为本”是成功的首要关键,我最优先照顾的,是我视为兄弟姐妹般的同事们。对于我的这一看法,我相信有些人会不予赞同,这点我丝毫不觉得惊讶。因为在许多人看来,顾客才应该是我最先考虑的对象。诚然,我们也相当关注并关心我们的客人,两者缺一不可的。但只有照顾好了我的员工,他们才会同样尽心尽力地照顾好我的客人,因此将两者视为同等重要是非常正确的。”建立并维护与员工之间紧密的友好关系,是让他们自信、努力的成功要决。马立褀认为要保持这种亲密无间的关系,必须抽出时间融入员工们,与他们进行交流和沟通及时了解他们的想法。将这些安排列入工作日程,并及时让员工了解酒店的最新动态,让员工和管理层人员之间有互动。要用心聆听大家的看法及建议并适当地采用,这不仅能增强信任和沟通,还会带来财政收入。酒店会经常安排同事间(所有等级)的职位互动,进行角色互换。在不同的部门、不同的岗位工作,让员工们亲身了解其他同事工作的重要性,学会体谅及欣赏他人的成绩。酒店的人力资源总监王靖女士和行政管家熊刚先生,也和我们分享了他们在酒店工作中的点点滴滴。王靖女士从酒店试营业开始至今在上海扬子江万丽大酒店工作已有19年的时间了。从大堂经理到销售总监再到如今的人力资源总监,王靖女士最满意现在的岗位。“要知道刚开始马立褀先生将我从工作了10年的销售部门调任到现在的岗位我还有些担心呢。但不到一年的时间里,在马立褀总经理的帮助下,我可以自信地说我干得非常棒!”“马立褀先生始终将员工放在首位的做法给我树立了榜样!”王女士感慨地说道:“他每天都会在酒店到处走走,与员工沟通。酒店刚更换了制服,马立褀先生就及时向员工了解,衣服是否合身,鞋子是否舒适。并且他还要求给员工准备的菜谱必须每天变化新花样,让他们尝试酒店各个餐厅的美食。在每年一次的“员工感谢周活动”中,马立褀先生率领其他经理一起参与“角色互换”,深入普通一线岗位,亲身体验员工的辛勤。马立褀先生曾穿着门童的制服,为客人搬运行李。”王靖女士说:“如果马立褀总经理午餐没有约会,他总会出现在我们的员工餐厅,给员工们创造面对面交流的机会。马立褀先生总是考虑到员工是否快乐,我们知道只有员工满意我们的客人才会满意。”随后,王靖女士又向我们举了些事例来真真实实地讲述马立褀先生对员工无微不至的关爱。“工程部的一位员工工作时在大厅打碎了一只花瓶,马立褀先生最先考虑的是员工有没受伤,而不是酒店的财物有了损失。这点让大家都十分感动。我们的总经理在5月份参加了‘洋厨房’节目,有员工就提出想亲自尝尝总经理烧的牛扒。马立褀先生立即答应,购买了300多块T骨牛扒并特别安排了一天制作。”和王女士的谈话中我们了解到,酒店十分注重对人才的培养,经常组织各部门的管理人员到海外酒店培训,提升服务素质和管理水平,同时开阔眼界,知人善用,发掘员工身上的闪光点和潜力。王靖女士源于内心的自信和快乐深深感动了我们。熊刚先生是酒店的行政管家,万豪集团深厚的文化底蕴吸引他来到了上海扬子江万丽大酒店就职,而总经理马立褀先生乐观、积极的个人魅力及对待员工尽心尽力、将员工放在第一位的管理理念让熊先生坚信在上海扬子江万丽大酒店将会有更好的发展前途。面对越来越多新酒店进驻的挑战,作为酒店的行政管家,熊刚早已成竹在胸:“酒店已经做好了充分的准备。”想客人所想作为商务型酒店,在05年底酒店便更新了所有的床上用品,并且一并采用自然的材质,舒适度更好,而对于商务人士来说一个优质的睡眠恰恰是最重要的。此外,酒店还添置了7系列的宝马汽车接送客人,提升了酒店的对客服务。在今年,酒店所有的客房内都换上了32—42寸的液晶电视,并增添了无线上网系统,顾客可以随时随地上网并且通过酒店新安装的IRJP系统,将客房内的液晶电视可作为电脑显示屏,为客人提供了极大的方便。此外,在酒店的礼品店中顾客能方便地买到倍受欢迎的酒店日用品,如酒店的超大枕头、轻柔的羽绒被、沐浴用品等,这一特色服务大受顾客的欢迎。“马立褀先生是一个很好的榜样,从他身上我学到了许多成为优秀经理人的品质,并且这种精神激励着每个人去实现更高的目标。”熊刚最后总结到。熊刚先生说:“不管马立褀先生有多忙碌,只要他在酒店,总是在早上7:30来参加我们的客房部会议。”“他总是利用他的时间来询问大家的会议情况,关心大家的身体状况和家庭情况。大家都源自内心的感激他。没有一位总经理像他那样对员工如此关心。”此次作为第一位进入专业摄影棚进行封面拍摄的酒店总经理,马立褀显得十分的兴奋和激动。“这次封面的拍摄令我感觉象个超级模特。我相信《大酒店》会越来越精彩。”马立褀先生在镜头前从容而自信,这位享受工作并致力于能把快乐带给客人的总经理对品牌的理解也是独树一帜。“在我很小的时候,我的母亲GIGI便告诉我要注重服式的搭配,从衬衣、领带到鞋子再到整体颜色的协调。出席什么样的活动,穿什么款式的衣服,每一个细节都必须重视。并且在出门前一定要好好地照照镜子,只有确认了自己的打扮是整洁的才能出门,这也是对他人的一种尊重。”我们更愿意把总经理看做是其就职酒店的品牌大使,马立褀也是这样认为的:“顾客抱着对万丽品牌的信任选择了上海扬子江万丽大酒店,现在上海扬子江万丽大酒店已经成为大家心中的一个优质品牌,我愿意和所有的员工一起维护好她!”Those who have witnessed ourgrowth cannot be unfamiliar with Rauf Malik, general manager of theRenaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel who was featured in GRAND HOTELSCover Story last June shortly after he had assumed office. Even nowthe interview is still fresh in our memory, which revealed a jovialcharacter with witty remarks and great care for his associates.Having been in the trade for nearly thirty years, of which somesixteen are spent with hotels under the flag of MarriottInternational, Inc., Rauf is an international hotelier in itstruest sense. In Asia alone, he has commanded, in succession, theNew World Renaissance Hotel Hong Kong, Marriott China HotelGuangzhou and now Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel, with which hehas stayed for more than a year.Which commitments has RaufMalik honoured over the past year? And what accomplished? Why notpay another visit to the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel with usand look for the answers for yourself?To start with, let’s make aroundup of his “dazzling” achievements. The Marriott China HotelGuangzhou had been helmed by Rauf Malik for 26 months, during whichperiod the hotel was awarded the “Best Employer in China” in2005, customer satisfaction rate amounting to an incredible 92%.The Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is to reach the summit didby China Hotel, declared Rauf after he had been appointed GeneralManager of the former, and the commitment was materialized a yearlater when Rauf Malik received the “Best General Manager of theYear 2006” award by Jin Jiang International and the “Spirit toServe Our Communities 2007” and “Mustang 2007” awards atMarriott’s International General Managers Conference, bothacknowledging his extensive experience and outstanding performance.Customer satisfaction rate has maintained as high as over 90% inthe recent two years, and is going up apparently.While Marriott propertiesworldwide observed the “Associate Appreciation Week” during 14and 18 May, an annual celebration showing thanks to all associatesand their hard work throughout the year, Rauf shared his views onhow to achieve success: “To be in the associate’s shoes”, assuggested by J. W. Marriott, Jr. Chairman of MarriottInternational, Inc.“The face of Asia is changingand the hospitality industry in Shanghai is developing at adizzying pace. And throughout the years, I’ve learned many alesson, and found the absolute key to success is putting yourpeople first, making them your top priority. Now not surprisingly,I understand some people would argue this point. Naturally ourguests should also be our top focus, but you truly can’t have onewithout the other so it’s imperative to consider both as equallyimportant.”Developing and maintainingstrong relationships with your employees is the key to a confidentand hardworking workforce, according to Rauf Malik, so is stayingvisible and approachable. A general manager can never be too busy.Make the time! Also, be sure to include all associates in thehotel’s daily issues. Involve them with the day-to-day happeningsand upcoming changes. Listen to what they have to say, ask fortheir input and use it. This not only leads to increased trust andcommunication, but has been known to reap financial benefits aswell.The hotel often arranges forassociates (again at all levels) to ‘trade places’ and cross-train with their fellow colleagues. It provides an important supplyof empathy, allowing them to literally ‘walk in another’s shoes’for a day, or even better, for a matter of weeks, to see what theirdaily routine entails.As if to elaborate, first-handinformation was proffered by Jane Wang (Director of HumanResources) and Robert Xiong (Executive Houskeeper) as evidence, whogladly shared what they had experienced in the Renaissance YangtzeShanghai Hotel.Jane joined the hotel duringits soft opening; nineteen years elapsed, during which she hadserved as the Assistant Manager, Director of Sales and presentlyDirector of Human Resources. To the third post she exhibited thegreatest content with, “I was really worried at first, when Mr.Malik transferred me to the Human Resources Department. I’d beendoing sales for ten years before that transfer, you know. Mr. Malikhelped me a lot and restored my confidence. It’s been less than ayear now, but I’d say I’ve done a great job!”Jane Wang: “If he doesn’thave any lunch appointments, Mr. Malik can always been seen at “MyRestaurant”, the associate canteen, giving the associates onceagain an opportunity to communicate with him face-to-face. Mr.Malik is always concerned about the associates’ happiness and weall know that a well-fed associate always performsbetter.”“His always putting associatesfirst sets a good example for me,” remarked Jane with deepemotion. “Mr. Malik walks around in the hotel everyday, andcommunicates with the associates. When we replaced the old uniformswith something new, he wasted no time talking to the associates fortheir ideas, enquiring if the new uniforms fitted well, whether theshoes were comfortable or not. He even ordered that staff menushould be changed everyday so that the associates could have ataste of foods prepared by different restaurants. During the annual‘Associate Appreciation Week’, Mr. Malik and department headswould ‘change the role’ with average associates, taking up thelatter’s job at the front to experience their pains and laughter.I’ve seen him in a bellboy’s uniform delivering luggage for theguests.”To show more of Rauf’s carefor the associates, she dug into her memory bank and added: “Oncewhen a member of the engineering department happened to break avase while in duty, his first reaction was if this associate hadbeen injured instead of what a loss the hotel would entail. We wereso touched! When we heard that our general manager was to attendYOU ARE THE CHEF shooting, some expressed their wishes to taste theT-bone steak he was going to cook in the program. Mr. Malik agreedwithout hesitation. He bought around 300 pieces of T-bone steaksand spared a whole day for the cooking.”Placing a heavy emphasis ontraining, Renaissance Yangtze often sends department managementoverseas to attend training courses, through which they can notonly improve the quality of service and lift the level ofmanagement, but also have their vision broadened. The hotel isquite successful in spotting the good points and potential of eachassociate, and putting the right people in the right place so thatthis person can play his or her talent and potential to the full.Such are the information we get from Jane Wang, who impressed usenormously with her happy nature and self-assuredness deep rootedin her heart.Having attracted by Marriott’srich cultural heritage, Robert Xiong decided to join theRenaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel-serving as an ExecutiveHousekeeper-with the belief that the hotel would offer moreopportunities for him to craft his career path. And the strongbelief comes from Rauf Malik’s charisma―his enthusiasm and activeattitude―as well as from the general manager’s commitment totaking care of the associates. In response to the challenges fromrelative newcomers, Robert provided a ready answer: “We’re fullyprepared.”To cater for business travelerswho value sound sleeps as irreplaceable, the hotel had a completechange of beddings at the end of 2005, using all-natural fabrics toensure the highest degree of comfort. Limousine service is upgradedas well, with posh BMW 7 series for picking up and sending offguests. This year, all the guest rooms are refurbished with brandnew LCD TVs ranging from 32 to 42 inches and wireless internetaccess, with which in-hotel guests can surf the net practically inany place, at any time, and the new IRJP system allows them toconnect their laptops to the in-room LCD TVs. Renaissance Yangtzeoffers a full range of products-for-daily-use, such as the oversizepillow, fluffy quilt and bath products, which are extremely popularamong travelers. To their great delight, these hotel products arenow available at the gift gallery attached to thehotel.Robert Xiong: “Regardless of hishectic schedule, if he’s in the hotel, Mr. Malik always makes aneffort to attend our Housekeeping briefing every morning at 7:30“He always gives associates histime by asking for their concerns, enquiring about their health andfamily. They really appreciate his personal nature. Most generalmanagers would never give them that muchattention.”“I’ve seen a host ofqualities prerequisite for an outstanding manager in Mr. Malik andlearnt a lot from him. He plays a good role model, constantlyencouraging us to attain to higher aims,” concludedRobert.Rauf Malik was in evident highspirit for the photographic expedition at a real studio, being thefirst of the hotel commanders poising there for the cover shooting.“It makes me feel like a super model. I’m sure GRAND HOTELSmagazine would be better and better.”Through the cameralens we observed a confident Rauf Malik, composed and steady. Thegeneral manager enjoys work immensely; he is always ready to makeother people happy, and succeed. Even his dress code issignificant. “My mother GIGI used to tell me when I was a littleboy that I should pay more attention to the art of dressing, takingthe smallest details into consideration, from my shirt, tie andshoes to color matching. Wearing the right clothes on differentoccasions. Never stepping out of your house before looking into themirror and making sure that you are neatly dressed. Looking decentis a kind of respect for other people aswell.”We’re more inclined to regarda general manager as the ambassador for his or her hotel, a viewshared by Rauf Malik: “It is their trust on the Renaissance brandthat lead customers to us. Now that we have established a goodreputation among consumers, I would like to preserve the good imagetogether with all of my associates.”

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